My friend, the venerable mountain guide Kirsten Kremer, just sent me these old photos out of the blue. They’re from fall of 2008, taken at Tahquitz Rock, a beautiful cliff above Idyllwild, California.
At the time, I had figured out how to make climbing my work, making some of my living by writing about it and the amazing cast of characters I met on and off the rock.
That era of my career laid groundwork for what I help leaders do today:
- Create a vision and plan
- Frame challenges
- Assess risk
- Build teams
- Communicate clearly
- Share stories that help people think differently
Our climbs and tales back then were not creating the kind of impact I’m working toward now, but they did give me a place to start from:
- An intimate relationship to the Earth
- Insight into the imperative of team alignment
- Deep respect for the importance of HOW we do things
- So much love for my partners in adventure 🌎🌍🌏
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